
9 Powerful Reasons to Build an Online Business 

 February 25, 2021

By  Israel Lacomba

Why developing an Online Business makes sense?

Let's be honest...

We all want to generate more money, and have more free time to enjoy it, right? We all want freedom to spend more time with our family, friends and do all the things we really enjoy doing, instead of doing the things we have to do to be able to pay the bills. 

But life does not work that way, does it?

Well ... actually it works, if you want it that way.

And this new form of freedom that we all have the blessing to achieve, is attributed to the arrival of the Internet, and in particular, the advances that have occurred in the "Online" technology in the last 5 to 10 years.

Before the Internet appeared, it was very difficult for ordinary people to generate income other than to exchange working hours for money day by day to bring food to the table. They had no choice.

But luckily, today the world is very different. You do not have to work for another person ever again if you do not want to. The arrival of the Internet, along with things like automated technology, emails, social media, online videos and others, have made it possible for anyone, regardless of age, sex or education, to develop a business of their own and to have access to a global market to generate serious income that will change their life.

And there is a particular skill set that allows you to take advantage of the Internet to develop a real home-managed online business.

It is called Internet Marketing (also known as Online Marketing) and it can be implemented in different business models. Affiliate Marketing being the most common for starters.

So if you are tired and sick of making money in the traditional way, exchanging your time for money, and totally depending on what the company wants to pay you ...

If you like the idea or it catches your attention of having a ready business that can operate from the comfort of your home and you would like to have a real choice to create genuine financial freedom for yourself and your family, then you owe it to yourself to continue reading ...

Because the echo is, a home-based online marketing business represents the fastest, simplest, and smartest way to capitalize on this technological revolution, take control of your financial future, and create the lifestyle you always wanted.

So, let's look at the top 9 reasons why a business like this makes sense ...

Reason #1: Work from anywhere you want

You can work from any place in the world including your home of course!. The first advantage you have as an Internet Marketer is that you have the ability to work from any place in the world that have an internet connection. And this alone, is a gigantic reason.

If you have had a 8-6 job, you can understand how frustrating it can be to spend hours every day just to travel to and from work. You literally feel like you are wasting time in your life. If you have children, you almost do not see them because you have to leave early and do not return late in the day. Much of its growth is lost and that time is never recovered. Definitely life is not supposed to be lived that way.

With an online marketing business, on the contrary, you can work from the office in your home, up to the top of the kitchen if you want. You do not have to go anywhere and still, you can get up whenever you want, have breakfast calmly and start your day when you want to start it, not when your boss and his work imposes it.

But you are not limited to working necessarily from home. As an employee, you have to report to your workplace every day and travel the time you take from your home to the workplace. But imagine if you could work from anywhere, or travel without time restrictions and you can generate income wherever you are. Well it is possible to do it. All you need to run your business is a computer, your phone and an Internet connection.

Reason #2: Work at any time you want

Having the freedom to do what you want, whenever you want, is precisely the greatest benefit of running an online marketing business. And if you have ever been an employee you will be able to fully understand what I mean. As an employee, you do not have much control over your time.

Someone tells you what time to be at work, what time you can go, when you can take vacations and for how long. When you stop and think about it, it's ridiculous. We are adults! But wait a moment ...

What if you could choose what to do each day and how to structure your time? It would feel great, would not it? As if you were finally free to live on your own terms. Well, welcome to the personal freedom offered by online marketing. A business you can build for yourself, starting in your spare time. An online marketing business is about an option, to be in control, to take your life back and live on your own terms.

Reason #3: FULL control of your INCOME

If you work in a 8-6 job, you are likely to be frustrated with the level of Income you are getting, right? You believe you are more valuable than your company is willing to pay. And you know what? You're right. But what can you do about it? Work harder? Arrive earlier and stay the day in the hope that they will see your effort and reward you with a raise?

Yes, you can do that. But there is absolutely no guarantee that it will work. In fact, you are likely to end up even more frustrated and resentful when you realize that no one cares. The fact is that you are fighting a battle that is already lost. Your company will only pay you a certain amount of money and do not expect it to be much higher than it is currently.

A great advantage of an online marketing business, on the other hand, is that your income potential is unlimited. You can earn as much income as you want, and that's the beauty of this business. Really, the sky is the limit. If you want to earn more commissions and more monthly income, you can, simply have to work harder. You find more prospects, you close more clients and partners and teach them to do the same. In short, you have total control of your financial future.

Reason #4: it is a low risk model

The most efficient way to build financial freedom today is to develop your own business. You will NEVER be financially free working for another. But starting a traditional business can be risky and costly. In fact, 90% of startups fail in their first 2 years.

That's a fearful statistic, but it's easy to see why that happens. A new business has to deal with massive startup costs, such as product development, marketing, insurance, employees, rent, utilities, startup loans and much more.

Many business owners are required to work long hours to maintain their business to float in its principles many times without seeing the fruits of the profits for a long time. In many cases, they do not see profit in years. That is the sheer reality of many business owners unless they find a vehicle that avoids all this complexity of traditional business, is safe, proven and low risk.

An Online Marketing business solves all these difficulties. How? Let me explain ... Are you familiar with the concept of franchising? It is a concept that has become very popular in recent decades because it allows partners to enter a proven business and take advantage of an established brand. Wherever you go in the world, you will see businesses that are franchises. From "Starbuks" to "McDonald's".

Entrepreneurs buy these franchises because they are proven to work, but they are also expensive, very expensive. And as a result, a traditional franchise will put you in a massive debt situation without having started. McDonald's is a $ 1 Million dollar franchise just for the rights. Even small franchises such as "Coffe Shops" and "Sandwitch Bars" cost from $ 25,000 to $ 100,000 just to get started. And this is not an option for most of us.

That is why a particular online marketing business is often called "The People's Franchise." It is a proven business model that does not require large amounts of investment and does not take years to recover or start generating profits. Actually, in most of the cases, the investment is insignificant, which means that it is Low Risk, but as the business is proven, there is opportunity to generate a lot of money.

Reason #5: Done FOR YOU business solutions

Like the franchises, some online businesses offers a complete solution but without the risk of so much investment. All the systems you need to be successful are available so you do not have to spend time reinventing the wheel and try to build everything it takes to run a multi-million dollar business.

You do not need to find a market that leaves money, Or create sales and marketing systems. You do not have to handle shipments and deliveries, nor process orders. You do not have to create infrastructure or manage employees. Everything is already in place and is available for you to leverage and capitalize. You have the vehicle you need to make money and the ready track where you can run. All you have to do is take action and invest a few hours of your time. If you do that, you will succeed. It's that simple.

Reason #6: HIGH leverage OF SYSTEMS and PEOPLE

Leverage is a concept that smart business people have been using for years to make more money, faster and with less effort. Traditionally, there have been two major ways to get leverage in business: You may have people working for you or you may have money working for you.

Typically, that means hiring employees to create your own wealth, or investing your money to earn more in return. But in the online marketing business model, you do not need either. You can achieve leverage without the need to hire employees and without the need to have wealth in the moment to invest it.

Instead, some online marketing solutions offers what is known as "Leveraging Systems and People" without risk or expense. And it's really amazing. John Paul Getty, the famous industrialist and billionaire understood the power of leverage. He once said,

"I'd rather earn 1% of the effort of 100 people than 100% of my own effort"

John Paul Getty

That's exactly what leverage is all about. To leverage the effort of many to create your own wealth. So, how does this work? Well, teams of people are created who have the same mentality and all contribute their own time and effort. All generate profits and not the full weight on the shoulders of any.

These are people helping other people. You get the proven benefit of a multi-million dollar business model and leverage power of a teamwork without the expense of having employees, the risk of buying inventory, excessive rents, entering In debts and increase operational expenses such as profits, insurance, etc.

Experienced business people are looking for leverage. It is a proven model for generating wealth, and some online businesses offers it and makes it available to any ordinary person.

Reason #7: Technology

Welcome to the 21st Century Technology.  Today, you can reach hundreds or thousands of people who are online using systems that are ready and tools like email, social media, video and redirect that traffic to pages that present the opportunity and products and the prospect can choose when to join To the team or when to buy products.

You do not have to create complicated business infrastructures because they are already created for you. You do not have to leave your home if you do not want to. The Internet has made developing and maintaining an online marketing business easier and more achievable than ever before. Thanks to technology, this business has never been easier and more profitable.

Reason #8: The ideal business MODEL for the lifestyle you want

Are you living the lifestyle you really want to live? If you are like 99% of people, then the answer is probably NO. If you own a traditional business, for example, you might have this Lifestyle of making good money, but it does not have much flexibility. You do not have time because the business controls you.

There are many business owners with enough money in the bank who can tell you how rare is the time they can get a free weekend. But they are proud of that. It's like a picture of honor. They feel that the harder they work, the better they look at people. And the more successful they are, it's crazy.

That's not the way you want to live your life. NOT? Life is to live it. It is to enjoy it, not to suffer it. So of course, there are the slaves who work from 8 to 6. Those who are busy working for another and helping them to make more wealth and never think about their own lifestyle. If this is you, you know that your lifestyle is reduced to one or two weeks a year when you can take a vacation and a good meal when you can afford it.

Of course, this is until you reach 65 or 70 years. When you can finally retire and live a life. And we hope that when that day comes, you are healthy and fit to take advantage of the retirement, because there is no guarantee.

But what if you could live a lifestyle to the fullest now? To have Freedom and generate those income that changes your life at the same time?

So let me tell you that you can.

An Online Business is the ultimate lifestyle business. In fact, in just a couple of  years you can create the kind of income that most people would generate throughout their career while working for another.

You can work from home and live life on your own terms. You are not tied to a physical place or schedule and can generate enough income to make the lifestyle you choose relatively quick.

You can create a financial freedom that allows you to spend more time with people you love. Be the perfect parent who has the time to attend school events, take your kids on the go, and enjoy time doing fun things like family.

After all, that's what life is all about, not? It is real. Thousands of people are doing it every day, enjoying a lifestyle to the fullest. Of course, this takes some effort at first, and do not forget, you will be working for you, building your financial freedom and the lifestyle you want to lead.

How much effort you put into it for the life you want to build is totally to your terms. And the more effort you put into it, the better your lifestyle will be. It is that simple. Online Marketing is the Ideal Business for a maximum lifestyle.

No other business model comes close to it. All you need is commitment, desire, an "I can do it" aptitude and you can achieve that lifestyle faster than you can imagine.

Reason #9: You can Achieve your dreams

Do you still have big dreams? Do you still have goals and big aspirations for your life? Or you has given up in the hope of reaching them someday. It is understandable if you are. Sometimes the daily monotony of work is enough for you to lay down your dreams.

Remember when you were little and you dreamed awake about what you wanted to be when you were big? Your dreams were great, because you did not know the limitations that the real world of adulthood would later put on them. Did you dream about living an exciting and rewarding life? Have a career that you love? Helping others? Doing something that is significant?

Maybe you dreamed to travel and have houses in different places. Maybe you always wanted to live on the beach and work only a few hours a day. Maybe you would like to live in a mountain cabin with a lot of terrain and wonderful views.

Well, how would you like to dream all these dreams again? What if you could make those dreams, starting now?  I am here to tell you that it is possible. Not only to dream, but to realize those dreams too. The Online Marketing Home-Based Business Model offers you the possibility to create the level of income that you want and is structured so that you have time to enjoy it and create the life that you have always wanted.

Time to dream again, learn what you have to do to realize them and join a group of people with success who are living their dreams every day. And we are here to teach you how to do it too. Whatever you want to achieve, you can do it, if you relate to all this, this is your opportunity to do something about it. Do not let it get you by the side. The home-run business is growing for millions of dollars every year. And the only thing that stands between you and even participating in a bit of that for yourself is the decision that you make about it.

Take the right decision! And find out how far you can go. An Online Business is a real, honest and sustainable Home-Based business opportunity that can change your life forever. Success in life is often given by being in the right place at the right time. And right now you are in the right place and exactly at the right time.

If you want to know more about how to develop an online business at your own pace with one of the most used high profitable models, take a close look at The ENTRE Blueprint Training explained Here.

"Discover... How To Quickly and Easily Launch Your Own Highly Profitable Online Business From Home!"

Israel Lacomba

About the author

Digital Entrepreneur, Marketer, and Coach with the mission to help others become online business owners by supplying the right information, tools, and coaching with integrity so they can confidently develop a thriving business from home, fire their boss and create a life of their dreams.

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