What this Site is all About

SolopreneursPal, by Israel Lacomba, is a space with a genuine purpose to Educate,  Inspire, and Help ordinary people like you and me in the search for a better quality of life by exploring how to generate income from home using the internet.

Here you will discover simple Principles and Strategies to help you kick-off or grow your home-based business online, taking advantage of the power of the Internet and what the online marketing industry has to offer.

You will also learn about the 5 main strategies for a successful online business:

  • Content Marketing
  • Lead Generation
  • Tracking – (Fallow-up)
  • Monetize and Optimize Customer Value
  • Traffic

About the author – Israel Lacomba

Israel Lacomba

Native to San Juan, Puerto Rico. I am a professional in the field of information systems, I love technology and music. I currently reside in the north / central area of ??the island of Puerto Rico.

After more than 20 years working for multinational companies, thinking that I could realize my dreams by giving my life to corporations. I realize that I was trapped, as many are. I have grown in different aspects of the professional and personal area, but I have not been able to achieve to enjoy what I really like in life.

That is why I decided to become a “Solo-preneur” of home-based businesses and thus, get rid of corporate slavery.

My mission is to share with you, (my audience), what I learn along the way, what works and what doesn’t work with the purpose of helping you to create or grow your business from the comfort of your home. And with your help, spread the word that there are other ways, perhaps, not traditional, but equally valid and even better, to create the life you deserve and want so much for yourself and your family.

Discover! How To Quickly And Easily Launch Your Own Highly Profitable Online Business From Home!
